• Maundy thursday  -  April 14  - 7:00pm

    Commemorating the Last Supper that Jesus shared with his Disciples on the eve of his betrayal, Passion and death. The service will include music, liturgy, and Holy Communion. All are welcome.

    This service will also be livestreamed

  • Stations of the cross - april 15 - 12:00pm

    Fr. Astor will lead the Stations of the Cross in person on Good Friday at Noon. The Stations will be displayed on the screens in our Sanctuary, and those in attendance are invited to stand or remain seated during the readings and responses for each Station. 

  • Good Friday service - april 15 -7:00PM

    at st. luke's church in montrose

    This year we are commemorating Good Friday together with Saint Luke's Anglican Church in Montrose, and the service will be at their location: 2416 Montrose Ave

    Fr. Astor will be preaching at this service. Please join us at 2416 Montrose Ave. This service will also be livestreamed. Click on the photo for more details.

  • Easter Sunday  -  April 17  -  10:30am

    Join us as we celebrate Jesus' Resurrection on Easter Sunday! We will have one service at 10:30am, which includes a blend of traditional hymns, contemporary worship music, liturgy, and Holy Communion. 

    All are welcome! There will be a children's Easter Egg hunt outside after the service, and refreshments in our Fellowship Hall.

    This service will also be livestreamed.