Membership Class

The Saint David's Membership Class comes in two parts.

Part 1


Part 1 is a digital course (content-driven). It includes content to read, videos to watch, questions to answer, and suggestions for further reading.

Topics Covered:

  1. The Story and Mission of Saint David's
  2. What Does It Mean to be a Christian?
  3. What Does It Mean to be Anglican?
  4. Basic Anglican History
  5. Basic Anglican Doctrine
  6. Basic Anglican Structure
  7. What Is Church Membership?

Part 2


Part 2 is an in-person time together (relationally driven). After you complete part 1, Fr. Astor will invite you and others over for food and conversation. Together, you'll talk about what God is doing at Saint David's, the vision for our community, your gifting and passions, and how you can get involved.


How Are Christians Different? 

Perhaps we are not as different as you would imagine. We live in that same world – complex, fast and lonesome. We share many of the same struggles and difficulties. We have questions as well and at times are away from our families and our childhood friends. But, we have come to know that we are not alone. We know that God is always with us, as a loving and caring Father. We know that we are part of a much more extended family, the family of God’s children all over the world. This knowledge is what gives us faith and hope and certainty. The same faith and hope and certainty God offers you. 

What Do Christians Believe? 

We believe that all of the questions of life find an answer in God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has revealed Himself to the world as a God of love, compassion and moral integrity. He has demonstrated His great love for the human race in giving His only Son Jesus that through Him we might receive life eternal. We believe that part of this self revelation of God is found in the pages of the Bible. The Bible is a map to the presence of our Father, a map to be followed to receive abundant life here and now, for this life and for eternity.

What is the duty of all Christians? 

The duty of all Christians is to follow Christ; to come together every week for corporate worship; and to work, pray and give for the increase of the Kingdom of God.

How are members of Saint David’s expected to respond to this duty? 

In keeping with our mission statement - to live Jesus, to share Jesus, to teach Jesus, and to take Jesus to others in the power of the Holy Spirit – daily Bible reading, daily prayer, and daily acts of kindness are encouraged. Furthermore, spiritual formation through participation in small groups, through Christian education, or with a spiritual director are also encouraged. Corporate worship with the church family, stewardship of life by participation in pastoral care activity in the church, outreach projects in the community and world evangelism, and giving of material resources are expected. 

I’ve never belonged to any church before. How do I become a member of Saint David’s Church? 

If the reason you have not belonged to a church before is because you are not yet a Christian, then we would encourage you to continue attending Saint David’s and participating in any of our new believers small groups until you have had the opportunity to place your trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. If you are already a Christian, and have been baptized, then we would like to invite you to attend one of our quarterly New Members Class. You will then be introduced to our congregation as a New Member of Saint David’s. 

I have previously been a member of another church, but not an Anglican Church. I understand Saint David’s is an Anglican Church. What must I do to become a member of the worldwide Anglican Communion to which Saint David’s belongs? 

The first step is to become a member of Saint David’s Church (the local congregation) by following the steps outlined above. Once you have become a member of Saint David’s, then you will be invited to attend a Confirmation Class and you will be presented by the Rector to the Bishop when he visits. During Confirmation, you will reaffirm your faith before the Bishop, and he will lay hands on you and pray for the presence of the Holy Spirit to assist you in your Christian walk and ministry. You will then be a member of the worldwide Anglican Communion. 

What if I have already been confirmed in my previous Church. Do I need to be Confirmed again? 

No, in that case, after becoming a member of Saint David’s Church (the local church), instead of presenting you to our bishop for Confirmation, the Rector will present you to be Received into the Anglican Communion. You will still be asked to attend a Confirmation/Reception Class for instructions in Anglicanism. 

What if I am already an Anglican and want to become a member of Saint David’s Church. What must I do? 

We invite you to attend a New Members Class as explained above. At the end of the class we will ask your previous Anglican church to transfer you to Saint David’s Church. You are now a member of Saint David’s Church. 

Saint David’s has a rich history of discipleship. Our Sunday sermons, teaching series, special retreats, service opportunities, home groups, youth groups and children's programs all provide wonderful opportunities for Christian discipleship. We are committed to the process of mentoring relationships, and we continue to provide opportunities wherein followers of Jesus can be nurtured on the journey toward spiritual maturity. 

confirmation archive

What is Confirmation?

The Rite of Confirmation is for all adults (12 years and older) who desire to confirm their faith in Jesus Christ before a bishop of the Church. It is an adult response to the vows made for us at baptism (if we were baptized as children). It is an adult, conscious affirmation of faith and commitment. It is also a time when those who have been members of other Christian denominations and have previously been confirmed in those denominations, and are now worshiping at St. David’s, can be Received as members of the worldwide Anglican Church.

How can I be Confirmed?

If you are interested in this adult rite of faith, we invite you to contact the Rector at the church office at your earliest convenience. When Confirmation classes begin you will be informed. Do begin to attend church with us and become known to the priest.  

baptism archive

What is baptism?

Christian Baptism is a sacrament, an outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace. As the word sacrament implies, it is a holy and revered act performed by the believer in Jesus Christ by which they give testimony of their personal surrender to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. It is an outward sign (water and witness) of an inward relationship by which, through repentance of sins, acceptance of Jesus as our Lord and our Savior, we are restored to our right relationship with our God, forgiven of our sins and adopted as sons and daughters of God forever. Through baptism we do what we can do and God does what only He can do.

What must one do in order to be baptized at Saint David’s?

The policy of Saint David’s is that the person to be baptized attends one of our Discipleship 101 courses held on Sundays and a two-hour baptism preparation class on the Saturday prior to the date of the baptism. During this class we will discuss the Biblical nature of baptism so that everyone understands what is about to take place. If an infant or child is to be baptized the parents and godparents of the child to be baptized attend a two-hour baptism preparation class.

How do I schedule a baptism?

If you would like to be baptized or you’d like to have your child baptized please contact Fr. Astor at the church office 818-846-8633 or

How does one choose godparents?

Since the godparents will not only be making solemn vows on behalf of his or her godchild, but also promises of their own, it is recommended that the godparents be either relatives or very close friends of the parents. This will enable the godparents to be in touch with their godchild more often than mere acquaintances, and thus the promises and vows will more likely be kept. The godparents are expected to be baptized and practicing Christians who can assist parents in their concern for the religious development of the new Christian. 

How many godparents are to be used?

The number of the godparents should usually be one godmother and one godfather (not necessarily husband and wife). For the baptism of a girl, an additional godmother may be used and in the case of a boy, an additional godfather may be used. If any more than this should be desired, the parents should consult with the Rector. 

Who is a sponsor?

In the baptism of an adult the sponsors present their candidate and thereby signify their endorsement and their intention to support him or her by prayers and example in their Christian life. 

Can a private baptism be arranged?

If a private baptism is, for whatever reason, desired, this can also be arranged with the Rector.

What fees does Saint David’s charge for baptisms?

It is not the policy of Saint David’s to charge a fee for celebrating any of the Holy Sacraments. The Church, however, does incur certain expenses which are usually covered by the generous donations of its members. Any donations to be made should be made payable to Saint David’s Church. This is simply a thanksgiving offering and in no way does it represent a charge for the Sacrament of Baptism.

discipleship (archive)

There is an ancient rabbinical proverb that says, “Find yourself a rabbi and be covered with his dust.” The essence of the proverb is that the Rabbi’s followers follow so closely to their Master that the dust off his sandals wind up on their robes, their hands, and their face. 

Saint David’s has a rich history of discipleship. Teaching series, special retreats, opportunities for service, home groups, youth and children's’ programs, and Sunday Sermons provide wonderful opportunities for Christian discipleship. We are committed to the process of mentoring relationships and continue to provide opportunities wherein followers of Jesus can be nurtured into spiritual maturity.  

family ministry

Saint David’s offers a fun, exciting and safe ministry for children. Every week during our 10:30 a.m. service the kids enjoy learning about God and the Bible. Our curriculum helps the children to connect their life experience and interests with the day’s Bible truth. Every lesson also presents an interactive Bible story, review activities, memory verse practice, opportunities to explore the Bible story through fun activities, and encourages personal, meaningful ways to take what they have learned in church into their lives during the week. 


What is a Christian marriage?

A Christian marriage brings together a biological man and a biological woman and binds them together as one. A Christian Marriage is even more profound because it invites Jesus Christ into the relationship, asking Him to be the source of all their blessings and to do what no human individual can do, to bind them together spiritually as one flesh, one soul, one spirit. 

Who may be married in the church? 

Saint David's Anglican Church leases a church building in Burbank. Those who desire to use the worship facilities for wedding ceremonies are requested to contact the Rector, Fr. Astor Yelangueuzian, by emailing or calling 818-846-8633. 

What must the couple do prior to the wedding ceremony?

Prior to any wedding ceremony performed in our church the couple must have at least 6 conferences or interviews with our Rector. These conferences are intended to prepare the couple for a true Christian union as intended by God. A marriage license of the County where the wedding will take place must be obtained by the couple at least 3 weeks prior to the ceremony. If either the bride or the groom have had a prior marriage and is now divorced, a special permission must be obtained from the Bishop of the Diocese of Western Anglicans. This must be discussed with our Rector at the first interview and time must be allowed to obtain the Bishop’s permission. 

Can Music be included in the wedding service?

Music arrangements must be cleared first by the Rector and then the worship leader. Since a wedding is a service of worship, use care in selecting music. The music should be consistent with the religious character of a Christian marriage. If a sound track is necessary for any part of the ceremony or for a soloist to sing, our sound operators are also available.

Who makes arrangements for flowers and candles?

Arrangements for flowers and candles are the responsibility of the couple. Aisle runners are not permitted. The Cross, Bible and candles must remain in position, and must not be covered or hidden. Altar flowers are not to be removed after the ceremony, they remain on the altar to the glory of God. Altar decorations are placed there by the members of Saint David’s Altar Guild only.

Can the wedding ceremony be photographed?

Photographs may not be taken during the ceremony. Flashlight photos may be taken during the procession of the couple into the church and at the time of their recession after the wedding. Photographs of the wedding party may be taken in the church after the ceremony is over. The same rules apply to video cameras.

Church Policy

Please advise your friends and guests that rice or confetti may not be thrown inside church properties or within Church grounds at any time. SMOKING IS NOT PERMITTED IN THE BUILDINGS. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES ARE NOT TO BE BROUGHT, SERVED, OR CONSUMED ANYWHERE ON THE PROPERTY.

How does one apply for a marriage service?  

In order to confirm a wedding date and time, a written and signed application and a non-refundable deposit of $100.00 must be submitted to the church office. Please email our Parish Administrator with your request. 

What are the costs involved?

Use of the Church - $300.00

Altar Guild - $200.00

Musicians - $150.00

Cleaning Services - $100.00 (church only)

                                  $150.00 (church & Fellowship Hall)

Sound - $150.00

Priest/Celebrant - $300.00

Use of Fellowship Hall/Kitchen - $300.00

Note: Prices quoted here are subject to change, and due to current COVID-19 Restrictions some services may not be applicable or may have changed. Please check with the Rector. 

Payment: The balance of all fees must be paid two weeks prior to the wedding. Checks should be payable to Saint David's Church. Please include all fees in one check.


Please watch this space for information

about our next Saint David'sCursillo Reunion


More audio recordings available in archive below



Our Outreach Ministry’s vision is to take Jesus to others in the Power of the Holy Spirit by reaching out to those who are in need within our parish, our neighborhood, and our global community. 

  • family promise

    We serve on a rotation basis as a Host Congregation for Family Promise of the Verdugos, a non-profit organization that provides assistance to homeless families with children. Family Promise provides food, shelter, counseling support and job readiness training resulting in self-reliance and a more stable future for situationally homeless families. For more details, please CLICK HERE to visit the local Family Promise website.

  • THE Lord's kitchen

    Currently on hiatus but looking to begin again as soon as possible to serve on the fifth Saturday of each month, members of St. David's will provide a hot lunch to the hungry of our community. Each team member helps prepare a portion of the meal, serve our guests, or assist with clean-up.

  • ministry to the elderly

    Volunteers from St. David's visit the elderly and spend time with them regularly.  At least once every couple of months we conduct a Vespers service at Windsor Senior Living in Glendale. We are part of a multi-congregational ministry.

  • Agape care

    Agape - meaning: sacrificial love, love that is beyond self-serving love, imitating God's love for us in word and deed.


    John 15:13 - "Greater love has no one than this, that someone would lay down his life for his friends."

    The Agape Care Ministry focuses on prayer and support of our brothers and sisters dealing with a long-term illness. The Ministry can be called on for prayer in times of crisis and ongoing trials. 

    We provide assistance through our 17:17 Tool Box Ministry for those household "quick fixes" that might be an immediate need.

    CLICK HERE to send a message to The Agape Care Ministry Team.

  • cancer care

    "Small on Cancer, Big on Care"

    Our Cancer Care Ministry is a ministry of Hope and Compassion for all those dealing with cancer. We seek to come alongside patients and their families, caregivers, and friends by sharing resources with them, visiting them, accompanying them to doctor visits when possible, and praying for and with them regularly. 

    Cancer can be a very debilitating and isolating disease. Through this ministry we offer ourselves to help bring encouragement, strength, dignity, and hope for the future. Please feel free to contact us at any time.

    CLICK HERE to send a message to The Cancer Care Ministry Team.


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    Click here to download our App from the Apple Store.

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